Iga-aastased kokkuvõtted annavad võimaluse tutvuda meie tegevustega põhjalikumalt. Esimene aastakokkuvõte ilmus 2019. aasta juunis.
Sihtasutus Eesti-Hollandi Heategevusfond lähtub oma tegevuses vabaühenduste eetikakoodeksist.
SA Eesti-Hollandi Heategevusfond on liitunud annetuste kogumise hea tavaga.
Dear Guest of the British Embassy,
At the Late Summer Reception hosted by the British Ambassador, you will have an opportunity to support the Estonian Food Bank by bringing donations in person to the reception. We are very grateful for your support!
Estonian Food Bank is a charity organization that consists of 15 Food Banks with a mission to gather edible food that otherwise would be destroyed by the retail and food industry. We then distribute this food to people in need, for many of whom these will be the only warm meals they can afford.
What kind of food may be donated?
What other assistance would the Estonian Food Bank be grateful for?
As part of our infrastructure, we use all sorts of traditional elements of food logistics year round. We are in need to increase our working capacity because at the moment we are only able to rescue about 10% surplus from our retail partners. We are convinced that this amount can be increased up to 30-40%, but only with the simultaneous development of our capacity.
We would like to find new friends from different sectors to join our current group of friends. We call it “a circle of kindness”. We believe that if everyone would chip in a little from their area of business, or personal hours, the value would be mutually beneficial. We are looking for support in categories such as fuels, minivans, cooling vans, walk-in-fridges, deep freezers, quick freezers, ICT solutions, marketing and communication, foundations, and your connections globally that might support such activities. If you wish to help, but you don’t know how yet, please come and say “Hi!“ to one of our representatives in red-white Estonian Food Bank shirts at the Reception. Once we get to know you we will be able to find the exact way you can contribute.
We are grateful and honoured that the Ambassador, Mr Ross Allen, and the kind team at the UK embassy are leading by example in joining our circle of kindness. You are also warmly welcome to join us.
We are looking forward to meet and talk to you soon at the celebration!
Thank You for caring and for helping the Estonian Food Bank so we may help others.
Toidupanga uudiskirja kaudu hoiame sind kord või kaks kvartalis kursis ülevaatega meie olulisematest tegemistest. Jooksvalt saad meie tegemistega kursis olla ka meie sotsiaalmeediakanalite kaudu.
Juriidiline keha: SA Eesti-Hollandi Heategevusfond Reg nr: 90008867
Juriidiline aadress: Fr. R. Faehlmanni 5-5, 10125 Tallinninfo@toidupank.ee
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